The Piano Comes With.

“And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about.”

-John Steinbeck, “East of Eden”

Hello and welcome!

My name is David and I’m glad you’ve visited my blog. For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed writing. It’s been a way for me to capture life and formative experiences but also allows me time to reflect on the ways that I’ve changed and shifted through significant life events and milestones.

The Piano Comes With is that place and my intention is to share my thoughts and reflections as they relate to world-traveling and adventure, international teaching and leadership, being a parent and husband and valuing family, and many more topics!

In 2016 my wife and I took our first international teaching posts in Singapore and our lives were forever changed as we were immersed in South East Asia and were able to live and travel extensively throughout a new area of the world. We generally did not take too many personal possessions with us for such a long move however as musicians, my wife naturally shipped her full-size cello and I… well, I made sure we shipped our baby grand piano from Brooklyn, New York all 9,500+ miles to Singapore.

As we’ve traveled around the globe, the piano has most certainly “come with,” hence the name for this blog. In the summer of 2024, we move our young family to Leipzig, Germany for the start of a new chapter of living and working and we look forward to bringing you along through this space.

Ultimately, I hope that you find something of value in my posts and I welcome your engagement and your feedback. I’ve been fortunate to live and work in the United States, Southeast Asia and now Europe and, with that, my world-view is constantly expanding and becoming more informed.

Through this blog, I hope to take you along with me and I thank you in advance for staying in touch and supporting my efforts to maintain this space.

Sincerely, David


Please have a look at some archived posts!

Almost Ready To Go

July 12, 2016

The French Riviera

Thu 25 June – Tue, 30 June

Noordhoek Beach

Thu 25 Sep – Tue, 30 Sep


Thu, 13 Jul – Wed, 19 Jul